ISO Re-certification, 2022
Galaxy have again been re-certified against the ISO 9001, 14001 and 27001 Standards following a successful external audit on the 1st and 2nd of November 2022. The Auditor raised no recommendations in his report.
The success of the recent audit is testament to efforts of the expanded Management Team. Jarrod Guillou joined Galaxy as an Assistant Manager in June 2022, assuming some of the responsibilities previously held by Fran Browning, Galaxy’s then Compliance Manager.
Jarrod has settled into his new role extremely well, adapting his previous experience in technology and retail to the data destruction, hardware refurbishment and recycling industry. He’s been able to quickly get to grips with different Customer requirements for security, sustainability and quality services.
“I guess I’m now seeing the full lifecycle of data and devices,” said Jarrod. “In my previous job I was helping Customers decide what functionality they wanted in a new device, now I’m helping them consider the security and environmental implications of the device’s end-of-life. There’s a lot of regulation in the recycling industry, but the potential for reuse and value recovery is fascinating.”
Galaxy have recently identified and responded to requests for new Specially Controlled Waste recycling services; notably for vapes.
“We are excited about a couple of projects currently in the planning phases, one of which is vapes. We are aware that there is a significant problem regarding the safe disposal of used vapes on island, because every unit contains a battery cell,” said Matt Strachan. “Vape recycling is just another variation of the e-Waste and battery recycling service we already offer; but of course it involves a lot of work behind the scenes to gear up for this new work-stream.”
Galaxy receives guidance and support from the Group’s Senior Management and Compliance Teams who provide HR, Legal, Environmental Management, Health and Safety, IT and Data Protection functions to all its Sites. Fran joined GRG’s Compliance Team after providing a handover to Jarrod; but continues to work closely with Galaxy in her Compliance role as well as with the other Sites within the Group.
“Although the Auditor did not raise any recommendations for Galaxy, we are not complacent. We are actively seeking ideas and feedback from all our Employees regarding how we, as the Compliance Team, can improve our management systems and functions such as communications, training, recruitment and retention,” said Fran. “We are investing heavily in all our Employees, and our Management Systems, to enable and empower Staff to deliver high quality services to our Customers. Management Systems works best when people work well together.”